
Visual studio code online editor
Visual studio code online editor

visual studio code online editor

It is a source code editor which was developed for Windows, Linux and macOS. In 14th April 2016, VSC was released on the web. A few months later on Nov 18, 2015, VSC was released under the MIT license and the source code was made available on GitHub.

visual studio code online editor

For the first time, it was announced on 29th April 2015 by the Microsoft at the 2015 Build Conference which took place in San Francisco. It’s fast, it’s lightweight and it’s powerful too! Microsoft designed VSC as a cross-platform code editor for writing web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code or VSC for short is one of the most popular source code editor used by the programmers. But despite fewer features, these editors are lightweight, requires less RAM, and some editors like Visual Studio Code or Sublime text comes with additional features similar to an IDE. Contrary to this, an editor provides less functionality lacking an environment to run, test and debug your code under the same roof. Mainly, it consists of a source code editor, compiler and the debugger along with tons of other features. An IDE provides the complete environment to the programmers for programming making them more productive.

visual studio code online editor

Many confuse text editors with an IDE, however, there are certain differences which lies between the two. Good text editors are important for the majority of the programmers for making them faster and efficient.

Visual studio code online editor